About Us

The Canadian Society for Trans Philosophy


The Canadian Society for Trans Philosophy (CSTP) was founded in 2023 to support networking and provide space for trans/feminist scholars of all levels working on issues related to trans philosophy.

Conferences and Events

We had our inaugural event at Queen’s University in Fall 2023, a one-day workshop entitled “What is Trans Philosophy? What do we want it to be?” done in partnership with The Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy (CSWIP).

CSTP and CSWIP are hosting a joint conference, “Trans/feminist Philosophy: Pasts, Presents, Futures,” at the University of Guelph on August 14th-16th, 2024. For more on the conference, see the page for “Upcoming Conference.”

CSTP is an ongoing collaborative effort with ties to both CSWIP and The Trans Philosophy Project (TPP).
